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March 3, 2007 Newsletter

Members' Meeting
All members are encouraged to attend the meeting of members at 7:30 PM, Monday, March 19 in the cafeteria of Chesterbrook Elementary School. A half hour of socializing - with cookies, coffee and soft drinks - will be followed by a business meeting starting at 8:00. The agenda will include the following:

  1. Presentation by Douglas Bass, the director of emergency planning for Fairfax County, on the County's preparations for major emergencies or disasters.
  2. Snow removal report
  3. Neighborhood security report
  4. Proposal to hire a mailing service to mail newsletters to residents
  5. Approval of new budget and dues
  6. Discussion of traffic safety issues and member recommendations.
  7. Other business matters offered from the floor
  8. Election of officers for the coming year.
Please come, get acquainted with other residents, and participate in the discussions. Residents who are not dues-paid members are welcome to attend, though they cannot vote. Teens are also welcome.

Election of officers
The CWCA Nominating Committee, chaired by Betsy Brand and including as members Alice Chambers, Virginia Dillon, Roger Nucho, and Cabell Fooshe', proposes the following persons for election to the offices indicated for the coming year. Other nominations from the floor may be offered at the meeting, in which case written ballots will be used for voting.

President: Lori Boerner          Vice-president: Kevin Connelly
Secretary: Nicki Watts          Treasurer: Charles Hoyt
Snow removal
Until February we had very little snow and were hoping we might escape snow problems this winter. WRONG! The February 13 storm left an icy mix that was very hard to plow and shovel. Our contractor stumbled a bit in clearing our streets after that one, and he has acknowledged his failings. He got himself a little over-committed with jobs and has been unable to get drivers for all five of his plow vehicles. He promised to do better the next time, and he did perform a lot better during and after the five or six-inch snow on Sunday, February 25. Please understand that the contractor may initially open only one lane down all streets, then go back to widen the plowed lanes and work on clearing circles, which takes more time. For the large circles he is to plow a circular track ten feet wide as close as possible to the outside edge. (He cleared more area than required in many circles after the Feb 25 snow). Please understand that the plow drivers can't avoid leaving snow ridges at the entrances to driveways. Each of us has to be responsible for clearing our driveways and driveway entrances. There are a number of teens and contractors who will do it for a fee.

Please remember that it is very helpful to get cars off the street and into driveways before the snowplows come. They can do a much better job when there are no cars in the way. We emphasize again that everyone - especially children - must avoid interfering with the plow vehicles. Please remind your children. Also, please be considerate of the plow operators. They often work all day and through much of the night without rest to get our streets cleared and sanded.

Traffic safety
No vehicle accidents in our community have been reported to us recently, but traffic safety continues to be a concern that deserves the attention of all residents. Please drive slowly on our streets, and keep reminding your teen drivers to do the same. Caution your young kids frequently about the need for watchfulness when they have to cross or walk on our streets. Of all the streets in Chesterbrook Woods the Forest Lane section between Chesterbrook Road and Oakdale is one of the most hazardous, and residents would be wise to avoid that section when possible, both when driving and when walking. Several of us have observed a group of middle school students walking home from their bus stop down the middle of that stretch, chatting and paying little attention to approaching vehicles. Parents are urged to periodically remind their kids not to be complacent on our streets.

Crime report
One burglary has been reported in Chesterbrook Woods since last spring, a mid-day theft of jewelry on November 14 from a home in the 6000 block of Woodley Road. The Police Department reported that 175 burglaries occurred in McLean through the first eleven months of 2006, many of these in the daytime and many resulting in theft of jewelry. It would appear that we had less than our proportionate share of these burglaries. So we must continue to be vigilant. Keep your eyes open for strangers in your neighborhood. If you see someone acting suspiciously call the police at once at 691 2131 and tell the dispatcher what you are seeing. Keep your doors locked and let your neighbors know if you expect anyone to be entering your house while you are at work or away. Then a neighbor will know whether to call police if anyone is seen entering your home.

The County Police Department has announced improvements in the Citizen Reporting System for after-the-fact reporting by victims or witnesses of non-violent crimes or misdemeanors. They may be reported either by phone at the number in the above paragraph or on the county web site. Go to and click on "File a police report". For more details go to our CWCA web site,


  1. Some residents have again complained about dog droppings on their lawns and dogs barking outside during bedtime hours. Please be good neighbors. Clean up after your dogs and don't let them disturb your neighbors by barking in the late evening or early morning.
  2. All residents who have e-mail but are not receiving our periodic e-mail notices should provide their addresses for the confidential list maintained by Maureen Hurley if they wish to take advantage of this useful means of providing timely information to the community.
  3. We are in need of daytime drivers for the neighborhood patrol. Call Ione Braswell at 536 1681 or Virginia Dillon at 536 8729 to volunteer.
  4. We could really use more listings of good contractors or service providers on our web site, both for at-home and away-from-home services. Also, teens interested in earning money in the neighborhood are encouraged, with their parents' consent, to register on our web site.
  5. County officials have asked us to remind all residents that a county dog license is required for all dogs over the age of four months, and that a current rabies vaccination is important for all dogs, cats and ferrets. Proof of a current vaccination is required to get a dog license. The county animal shelter has planned six low-cost rabies vaccination clinics during 2007 for citizens whose pets (dogs, cats and ferrets) require an updated vaccination outside of their regular medical care cycle. Call the shelter at 830-1100 for information.

    Other newsletters:
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