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Snow Plowing in Chesterbrook Woods

Our streets are state roads which get plowed and sanded by the state only after the principal thoroughfares have been done. This may mean a delay of several days. For this reason our association annually contracts with a local company to begin plowing and sanding our streets after an accumulation of two inches. Most of the annual dues of the association go toward payment for this service. The company will plow all streets to a width of ten feet, then go back and widen the through-streets to 14 feet. Plowing will unavoidably leave a snow ridge at driveway entrances which residents should clear, if needed, after the plow has gone past. The contractor’s plow drivers will attempt to avoid blocking storm drains, particularly in the cul-de-sacs. If your street or cul-de-sac has not been plowed within about eight hours after a snow accumulation of two inches or more, inform snow committee chairmen Steve Sunderhauf at 703-538-1712 or Ed McGrady at 703-532-0887.

Remember to remove your cars from the streets, if at all possible, when snowstorms are forecast. A car parked on the street hinders plowing and also may become a collision target.


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